Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Imperfect? Cast aside. Returned. Disposed of.

We look for something with all the parts and pieces intact. No scratches. Strong. Durable. Reliable. 

“As it should be.” 

This expectation? Just another subtle hint at the permanence we were made for. 

But meanwhile, things fall apart. Disappoint. 

Flaws come to light.

“Only God is perfect.” Image by me.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir



Called to have the same attitude as Christ. 

Yet this earthen vessel still reveals trace amounts. Vestiges of pride and selfish ambition. Clutter.

And I learn my emptied is not a one-time thing.

But daily.

Emptied. Image by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Sing to Me

“Just sing to Me.”

Memory rises up. From twenty years ago. 

I’m traveling in the river of motorcycles and public transport vehicles. Cars and buses. All pressed together in the rush of a mountain city’s traffic. 

Navigating the ebb and flow as I drive. Mentally engaged. But not. 

Thoughts drift far away. Heart sits heavy. 

All around me, the hum and blare of engines revving, horns blowing, peddlers calling.

Sing to me. Image by Iqro Rinaldi on Unxsplash.