Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Faithful witness

It’s a winter Sunday in Karachi. The late 1990’s. The worship service of the International Church of Karachi closes with the benediction.

Children run outside to play tag on the lawn in the sunshine. And adults filter slowly through the doors onto the patio.

Greeting one another. Stopping to chat and catch up. Pouring and sipping cups of tea in the shade of the carport. 

Tea times after worship at the International Church.

Many linger for these fellowship times after the services. Sometimes for longer than the actual service itself. 

Getting to know one another’s stories. Offering encouragement as we navigate the urban and cross-cultural challenges of living in the megacity. Karachi.

Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ. It seems like a given. The common, daily practice of a follower of Jesus. 

But in the midst of vision casting and formulating strategies for work and life, abiding in Christ too easily moves to the periphery. 

We may take it for granted. Give it only lip service.

photo by nik macmillan on unsplash
Making Disciples Memoir

Prodigal redeemed

On July 16, 2015, our prodigal’s story changed. Today is the anniversary of that day. And below, in his own words, our son tells his story. Many people across the world prayed for him over several years. Praying for more than they knew at the time. To them we say: Thank you. Here is the answer to those prayers.
