Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Door of No Return

In 2018 we travel across the Atlantic to spend a week with our daughter in Dakar, Senegal. Conversations and laughter mark our visit. Along with bright sun. Cool ocean breezes. Blue sky.  

And a Door of No Return. 

Door of No Return, House of Slaves, Goree Island, Senegal
The Door of No Return on Goree Island.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Stones in the river

The sand was slippery. Soft. Shifting as we plunged through it to our tents by the river. 

Not just any river. The brilliant blue-green water rushing by this camp was the Ganga, otherwise known as the Ganges. Worshiped by millions of Hindus. 

The Ganga River, Rishikesh, India
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

The way of life

It’s 2013. I sit in the easy chair and contemplate upcoming travels. Across the ocean. Our way of life means moving back and forth.

And adjusting to changes between two different worlds. Parallel universes, really. 

We are heading back into the intensity of culture and color and music that is South Asia.  The constant calendar of religious festivals. The daily encounter with spiritual worship of every variety.   

The relentless dust.

crowded street in Mumbai
Mumbai, India OC Photo by: Matt Jones Copyright: IMB