“It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables” (Acts 6:2).
And Stephen is chosen. To wait on tables.
Doing so full of grace.
Full of God’s power.
Faithful in the ways of the Lord.

Chosen avenue
Sometimes. Waiting tables is His chosen avenue. For our greatest service.
Stephen walks that avenue in obedience to his Lord and Savior.
And through this humble servant, God does the miraculous. Signs and wonders.
He speaks wisdom to opposition. By the power of the Holy Spirit.
And when he’s falsely accused and arrested? Stephen doesn’t stop living by faith.
The rest of the story echoes through history. Impacting us today.
Stephen preaches powerfully. Before the religious gatekeepers.
And this sermon ignites their fury. Religious rage erupts. The mob seeks retribution.
Stoning Stephen. Then proceeding to systematically ravage the church.
Scattering the faithful far and wide. “So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word” (Acts 8:4).
Things will never be the same.
Chosen. To wait on tables. And die a martyr’s death. Stephen.
Speak boldly
Lord, today Your followers are chosen. To live by faith. Serving where You call us.
In places of obscurity. Or platforms of wider influence.
You continue sending Your people across borders and cultures and countries. Scattering the faithful to the ends of the earth.
And persecution hasn’t stopped. We’re surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses. Those who stand firm to the end. Many martyred. Like Stephen.
Help us always. To speak boldly. The truth of the gospel.
No matter what.
What about you?
How does the story of Stephen give you courage where you live by faith today?
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8 replies on “Chosen”
I have been reading the story of the miracle where Jesus turned water into wine. Like Stephen, the servants waited on tables. Yet, Jesus used them to bring about a miracle. Waiting on tables is where Jesus will use you to show Him to the world
Thank you for sharing this 😊
I was blessed recently to repeat to others the things I was taught when I arrived overseas-service to others is vital and God uses all of us. Thanks for your affirmation in the story of Stephen.
What a beautiful reminder.
Oh, Father, May I serve with faithfulness and humility. More of you, less of me. Amen.
Thanks, sister. And, Amen!
Thanks for this! You’ve helped me keep things in perspective.
Thankful, sister. Grace to you in this new season.
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