Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Handful of disciples

After the Resurrection. After the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord uses a handful of disciples. 

Making His way known through the few. 

Living sacrifices. Faithfully taking the gospel to Jerusalem. Judea. Samaria. And the ends of the earth.

They’re the talk of the Roman Empire.

To the ends of the earth. Image by Kirk Lai on Unsplash.


Earlier this year, we gather in a small room. With men and women who serve in various places and cultures.

Leaders influencing the spread of the gospel into lostness.

Across Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Asian Pacific Rim. 

Millions on their hearts. With only a handful of disciples, by comparison. 

So we pray for more laborers in multiple fields.

Hands open

Today, in unexpected wars and rumors of war. 

Despite unprecedented upheaval. Peoples on the move. Families uprooted. Divided. 

Even as communities disintegrate. Leaving behind established, normal routines. Forced out by disasters and destruction. Sudden invasion. Ruthless regimes.

Even now. God continues using the handful.

His people from differing nations, various cultures and languages. 

Not sitting back. But stepping forward. 

Hands open for His use.

A handful

Today, we surrender. 

Just a handful. Weak. Considered foolish by the powers that be. But servants of the One and Only. 

Teach us Your ways, Lord. In the sifting of the nations.

Unlatch shuttered windows, making way for gospel light. Your radiance dispelling the dark.

Open corridors for living water to flow where it’s never gone before. 

Your glory

Here we are. Send us. The handful. 

For Your glory among all peoples.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, 
because it is the power of God for salvation 
to everyone who believes….” 
Romans 1:16 CSB

What about you?

Are you surrendered for His use today? Wherever He’s placed you for such a time as this?

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6 replies on “Handful of disciples”

Reading Acts 1 & 2 recently, I was stunned by the logistics of 3,000 new believers in Jerusalem after Pentecost. It inspired bold prayers for my small local church! Little is MUCH in the hands of our God!

This is so beautiful. Taking me back to my time with the Lord this morning…Asking God to break us and pour us out for His glory.

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