Crossing Cultures Memoir


Trust in God’s provision? Tested. On hot days with no electricity. 

Once-cool tile floors warmed our feet. And desert wind found its way through latched doors and loose windows.

No electricity. No pump. Thus, no water to the container on the roof which put water in our pipes.

During summers in Karachi, it was easy to fall into self-pity. And question God’s provision. 

Silly, I know.

Provision. Image by Dan Dealmeida on Unsplash.


On one of those no-electricity days, we went to the home of Singaporean friends for dinner. Theirs, too, had been off all day. And came on just as we walked in the door.

That evening another guest sat beside me and introduced herself. Lilian. Also from Singapore. Her husband had been sent to Karachi by his company.

We talked about our lives. She shared pictures of her children. 

Then she said, “I’ve learned so much about God’s provision since we moved to Karachi.” 


His provision

Lilian began to tell me about one particular experience. 

After their move, her sister-in-law regularly packed and sent frozen servings of Lilian’s favorite fish from Singapore. Ikan kurau

It was a special taste from home. Familiar. Comforting. 

Then the sister-in-law moved to Australia. 

And one day, Lilian was down to the last frozen packet. 

“But as I was preparing the fish, I thanked the Lord for His provision. You know, He was so kind to send me my favorite fish! It helped me while I adjusted to this city. It’s so different from my home country.”

Knock on the door

The next day there was a knock on their front door. 

When Lilian answered, there stood their neighbor. Holding a huge fish in his arms.

He said he thought his Singaporean neighbors might like to have some fish. The fish his Karachi company was exporting from Pakistan. 

To Singapore.

Ikan kurau.

Trust His provision

The Lord knew what I needed to hear that night. In the summer of my discontent. 

The overflow of a grateful heart. 

And words of trust in our faithful God.

My new friend and I laughed together over how God knew her favorite fish was right there. In Karachi. All along.

And this sister in Christ continued to encourage me through the years. To keep my eyes on Him and trust His provision. 

Even on those hot summer days.

What about you?

Have you struggled with discontentment? How has the Lord reminded you that He is your Provider? 

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8 replies on “Provision”

What a beautiful God-story! I have been meditating on Jehovah Jireh and recalling how many times He has been enough. He will continue to supply all that I need!

Yes that’s a beautiful story! And I always enjoy your comments, Samantha! I’m thankful for you both.

what a wonderful and encouraging story! A good reminder to look for God’s blessings even amidst the discontent.

I love your stories from your time in Karachi. I’m looking forward to hearing more of what God has taught you about abiding in Him.

I would love to hear from you!

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