Unknowns pile up, left and right. Closed doors and uncertainty overwhelm. At the ends of the earth.
Amidst this confusion of crossroads. During a certain season in our lives. Fears creep in. Uninvited.
Then. In the weight of urgent prayer, a passage of Scripture whispers in my thoughts.
Rising gently. Firmly. Pressing through the questions and concerns.
A hymn of praise. Penned by Paul.
About the Sovereign One.

Hymn of praise
“O the depth of the riches
both of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God!
How unsearchable His judgments
and untraceable His ways!
For who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been His counselor?
And who has ever given to God,
that he should be repaid?”
Romans 11:33-35
Another refrain mingles with it.
From Isaiah the prophet.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts
and your ways are not My ways.
This is the Lord’s declaration.”
Isaiah 55:8
His word
No matter what this broken, upside-down world says.
Even as carefully-laid plans unravel.
He is true.
And His word moves into storms. Not away.
Stilling high winds. Steadying the shaken.
The enemy
No doubt. The enemy instigating trouble continues to say, “Oppress. Banish. Steal. Kill. Destroy. This will shut down the gospel. And silence their worship.”
But, no.
His ways and thoughts prevail. His word will accomplish what He pleases. And prosper in what He sends it to do.
No matter what.
He is enough
In the midst of the unknown. We know.
He is Lord of all.
In the untraceable way. We find.
Hymns of His mercy and grace.
In the unsearchable. We see.
He is enough.
Sovereign One
So, rest.
In the Sovereign One. Our God. The One who sees. And knows all.
In the glory of His unfathomable wisdom. Mystery that keeps us curious, seeking.
And pray. To the Father whose hand is always at work.
Fulfilling His purpose.
“For from Him and through Him
and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”
Romans 11:36
What about you?
How has the Lord ministered to you in the midst of the unknown? Which Scripture reminds you He is sovereign?
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10 replies on “Sovereign”
“ And His word moves into storms. Not away.”
So so good to remember! Oh may I remember and take this to daily life! Thanks Suz!
Amen. Me too!
What a confirmation your post is! Yesterday I journaled Isaiah 43 – This is what the Lord says – He who created you – He who formed you – “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name. You are Mine.” He is beyond our understanding, all-powerful, all-knowing, perfectly holy — AND He knows me and claims me for His! WOW!
Yes! That verse is amazing and such a comfort. Thanks for sharing, sister.
So good He is Soveriegn, He shows me not only through his Word but all throughout the day with little gifts and nudges, but I have to pay attention.
Yes. Lord, help us stay alert to Your word! Thanks for sharing, friend.
He is true.
And His word moves into storms. Not away.
Stilling high winds. Steadying the shaken.
Love these thoughts, Susan. I read in the psalms yesterday a line that touched me. “Our God is loving. Our God is strong.” He loves me and has the best in mind for me — this brings great comfort. He is strong — he has already overcome death and evil. I can rest in him. Blessings on you today.
Glorious. What heart-rest this brings as we trust these truths. Thanks for sharing, sister.
Very encouraging!
Grateful to the Father. Thank you.