In cross-cultural living over the years, daily conversations provide interesting entry points. For the gospel.
Asking the Spirit for wisdom, I watch and listen. Then see opportunities to share truth. Relating stories from Scripture.
In South and Southeast Asia, I notice one particular account often comes up. Addressing fears–named and unnamed. Pointing to our Savior.
That time Jesus said, “Peace. Be still.”

Queen of the Sea
Hesitant. Halting. My friend expresses concern for our daughter. “Is she taking her green sarong? To the beach?”
And carefully, solemnly she explains. She’s heard the Queen of the Sea prefers green. And takes those who wear green clothing.
“Don’t let her wear it near the ocean!”
The beach where we’re headed is literally called, “The Harbor of the Queen.”
Sharing a story
I listen. And gently respond. Sharing this story.
The one about Jesus asleep in the boat. On a stormy sea.
His disciples wake Him.
We know the storm is bad because these are seasoned fishermen. Fearing for their lives.
And with His voice, He simply speaks these words, “Peace. Be still.”
And the waves obey His command. The wind bows to His authority. [Mark 4:35-41]
He is stronger
We serve a King who is stronger than any other, I say. He is stronger than the queen of the sea.
So, we are careful as we go to the ocean. But not fearful.
My friend is uncomfortable. She’s heard the gospel. And this story points again to Jesus.
Her response is polite. But the barrier goes up. “We are different religions. Have different ways.”
Ocean wave
Years later, I’m recalling this experience. And my husband reminds me what happened on that vacation at the beach.
We’re walking on the sand, several yards away from the water. A wave comes suddenly. Out of nowhere. And pulls our 5-year-old son into the ocean.
Todd scrambles to grab him. Wrench him from the hard hold of the wave. The strong current.
Then a woman on the beach tells us her fisherman husband went out to fish one night. And never returned. “Taken,” she says.
I think about the reputation of the “Queen of the Sea” all over this island.
Peace. Be still.
Remembering my friend, I pray for her.
And lift up her struggles. Fears of an ocean queen. Death. Uncertainty about the future.
I pray she recalls the true story.
About the Lord who rules and reigns over His creation. Stilling the waves and wind.
The only Savior offering everlasting life.
His “Peace. Be still,” changes everything.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7
What about you?
What are the Bible stories that come up more often in your gospel conversations? How have you seen the Lord connect His truth to current situations lost people are going through?
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6 replies on “Peace. Be still.”
The story I most remember telling to my friend is Abraham being asked to “leave and go” and sharing the confidence I have in God’s direction for my life. I keep praying for her to experience God’s peace
Thanks for sharing, sister. I love how He gives us the right story to tell. Praying she will turn and follow Him.
When a friend of mine expressed fear of evil spirits, I told her how Jesus cast out the Legion. “You need to know Jesus! He gets rid of evil spirits!” She was interested and began to meet to hear the stories. Not sure if she truly believed. Praying for Ibu Nani again!
Just reminded of all the stories you told to children in your neighborhood too, my friend! Stopping now to pray for Ibu Nani.
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing both your faith and also your poetic writing.
Thank you. And thanks for reading!