Devotional Making Disciples

Someone else’s surrender

Someone else’s surrender will not do. David knows this. 

Thank you, Araunah, but “I will not offer to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:18-25)

He buys the threshing floor, the oxen. For a price. Then builds an altar and makes the offerings to God.

Each of us must consider the cost of following Christ. And someone else’s surrender will not do.

Surrender. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

Repentance and belief

For the record, the Son of God paid the price for the forgiveness of our sin. The ultimate sacrificial Lamb. Once for all. 

But following Him is not based on another’s repentance and belief. Or their personal altar of surrender. 

It doesn’t rely on a parent’s discipleship. Or someone else’s walk with Christ. 

No, we each must repent. Offer our lives by faith. 

And Christ is formed in each of us. By the Holy Spirit. Transforming. Sanctifying. 

Living sacrifices

Yes, there’s a cost. 

We are living sacrifices on the threshing floor. Where harvest is gathered and refined.

But it doesn’t end there.

The journey continues. Denying self. Taking up the cross daily. Following wherever He leads.

The temple

Araunah’s threshing floor became the foundation of the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem.

And today? 

We are the temple of the living God. 

Personally surrendering and corporately uniting. Together bringing honor and glory to His name. From local neighborhoods to the far reaches of the globe. 

Someone else’s surrender will not do.

What about you?

When did you first understand this was a personal decision you must make? 

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4 replies on “Someone else’s surrender”

Hi Susan! I love where you say…” We are living sacrifices on the threshing floor. Where harvest is gathered and refined.”I had never thought about it that way but it sums up how I feel a lot of the time. Thank you for another beautiful reflection.

Christ is formed in each of us!!!!
That statement alone will make a difference if I keep it foremost.
My journey is not the same as another’s and comparing our transformation is like debating the beauty of a rose and an orchid.

I would love to hear from you!

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