2020. And the pandemic spreads to the ends of the earth. We wait. And walk in constant change. Cancellations. Upheaval.
Those serving around the world are affected. Some caught in months of lockdown. Stopped at borders. Forced to leave. Or forced to stay in their home countries.
At times it feels overwhelming. As we grieve unexpected losses.
In the middle of it all, I’m drawn back to a familiar psalm of deliverance. Psalm 18. Detailing the sure and powerful rescue by the Almighty.
This time I read the first verse. Stop. And can’t move past it.
I’m compelled in that moment. To reach beyond grief. And dwell on the deep, deep love of my King. Lover of my soul.

Tender words
The psalmist David says it. Simply. Earnestly.
“I love you, Lord, my strength” (Psalm 18:1). The very first words out of his mouth.
Tender words. On the lips of a mighty warrior.
Such intimacy on display.
Then he rhythmically recounts who the Lord is. “My rock…my fortress…my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield…the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2).
Rapidly relating personal trust and dependency on the Lord his God.
My eyes return to that very first line. “I love you, Lord….”
Lord, I love You so
At the piano one day, I pick out notes. Play a tune that’s been swimming through my mind for days. Simple. Incomplete. But giving voice to my prayer. Line by line.
“Lord, I love You so. For You loved me so.
I will follow You to the ends of the earth
For You love the whole world so.”
That’s it. For several days.
I sit and play. Sing.
Stop in the middle and can’t go on.
Tears flow. And I worship.
Meditating on His tenderness and compassion. His power. I’m moved again by the grace He extends to us. A sinful people, in need of a Savior.
Remembering. I consider how He invites all who will believe. Into the mystery and beauty of salvation.
Transformation. And hope.
I count the ways He walks with us. His children. Through lockdown and loss. All over the world.
Remembering leads to rejoicing. For His gospel isn’t locked down. Hasn’t stopped moving.
The Truth keeps spreading, multiplying. In, through, and beyond a pandemic.
Great is His faithfulness.
To the sent ones
What begins as an intimate, personal cry to my Lord, I now sing in honor of my brothers and sisters. From various nations. Called to go and make disciples. Sent to the ends of the earth.
To the ends of the earth
by Susan L. Lafferty, July-September 2020 (link below)
Chorus (intro):
Lord, I love you so. For You loved me so.
I will follow You to the ends of the earth.
For You love the whole world so.
You’re the Rock, our shield and defender,
Mighty Warrior, sheltering wing.
Abba Father, we walk in surrender
To the Lord, our Redeemer and King.
Chorus 2
Lord, we love You so. For You loved us so.
We will follow You to the ends of the earth.
For You love the whole world so.
We are weak, Lord, You know—yet You choose us.
So Your strength and Your truth are on display.
We will not be ashamed of the gospel!
Make us bold in our witness, we pray.
Chorus 3
Lord, we love you so. For You loved us so.
We will follow You to the ends of the earth.
For You love the whole world so.
We are waiting. We are walking.
On a road marked by altars,
And we pray: Lord, teach us Your ways.
In the pain, the unknown,
we take refuge in Your shadow
And follow You, the rest of our days!
When the darkness marches against us
Help us stand on Your promises by faith
For You say, “Be strong and courageous”
“I am with you ‘til the end of the age.”
Chorus 4
Lord, we love you so. For You loved us so.
We will follow You to the ends of the earth.
For You love the whole world so.
[Note—you can hear a simple home-made recording here: “To the ends of the earth”. Scripture references: Psalm 18; John 3:16; Matthew 28:18-20; Zephaniah 3:17; 2 Corinthians 4; Isaiah 26:8; Romans 1:16-17; Joshua 1:9]
This song is dedicated to my friend and sister in the Lord, Jenny B. A fellow traveler to the ends of the earth. She listened to my other songs nonstop during a tragic season of loss. And she always asks, “Has the Lord given you another one?”
What about you?
Has the Lord gripped your heart with a particular verse or passage of Scripture during the year of 2020? Is there a song that has sustained you in the midst of change and uncertainty?
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13 replies on “To the ends of the earth”
Susan, I’m so deeply grateful for your writing! Your blog posts are so encouraging and point my eyes to Jesus. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
My verse for the year was John 12:24. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” When the Lord gave that verse to me it struck such a deep chord within me and it’s message has taught me so much this year. I love how Paul talked about this same idea in 2nd Corinthians 4 where he said, “For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.” What a truth that is so opposite of our natural thinking!
I don’t even know how many times I have listened to the song psalm 90 by Shane and Shane. During all this uncertainly and season of waiting the truth of that song has gripped my heart.
Thank you for sharing, Micah. What a verse for 2020! And I’d not thought about the connection between that verse and 2 Corinthians 4 (one of my life chapters). Also…Psalm 90 by Shane and Shane. Beautiful and perfect for this season. I’d not heard it before. Grace and peace to you.
Just listened to the song you wrote and was deeply touched. Thanks for writing, singing and sharing.
Thanks for reading and listening, Meg. Blessed Christmas to you.
What a gift to sit and listen as the truths of this song washed over me this morning – a much needed reminder. Thank you, Susan.
Grateful. He is so faithful and true.
Susan, I loved this. I also thought of your co-laborers this year, especially those who had to leave their homes and go “elsewhere” during the pandemic. We were able to house one for a time when she was dislocated and had to move about like a Bedouin, from house to house to not be a ‘burden’ to one family unit. We had such rich conversations and times of prayer. Thank you for posting from your heart.
Thank you for opening your home, sister. Living in “tents” holds special blessings through the fellowship with and encouragement of brothers and sisters along the way!
All your blogposts are a blessing but this one with the song was very meaningful as you shared your heart so transparently. I’m so thankful for God’s good work in you. And I love you.
Thank you, Jennie. I love you!
Beautiful Susan! I met a believer the other day who showed me a poem God had given him during the Covid season about yearning for God’s kingdom to come here on Earth. I am so encouraged to see how God is putting this message on hearts of the believers all of the world. God certainly has given me a renewed sense of focus to see the Gospel go out the the ends of the earth during this season. And I agree Jenny B is a wonderful encouragement.
Thank you, June. I love hearing about this believer’s poem! What an encouragement. The Lord is at work.
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