One Christmas in Karachi. Mary’s travel to Bethlehem in her pregnancy catches my attention. And imagination.
I’m expecting our second child at the time. Struggling with all-day sickness. I put myself in her shoes. On the rough road from Nazareth.
Arriving. Travel weary. And finding no place to stay.
Making do in temporary quarters. Where animals are kept.
Giving birth.
Away from home and the familiar.
Placing a newborn in the feeding trough.
Yet, treasure. In the midst of it all. She holds the Savior of the world in her arms.

True Treasure
In all that transpires, Mary takes in every piece of the story. Treasuring up each of these things in her heart. Meditating on them. Wondering what they mean.
Considering the precious treasure who is her Son. The Son of God.
That Christmas season of 1993, I meditate on all that must fill this young mother’s thoughts. As she watches and listens. And studies the face of her infant.
The meditation becomes a song that flows onto the page and the piano keys.
Mary’s Song
By Susan L. Lafferty
(Christmas 1993, Karachi, Pakistan)
Little baby on the hay
Newly born this cold winter’s day—
A darkened stable
Seems hardly the place
For God’s own Son,
The Royal One!
My soul magnifies the Lord.
My soul magnifies the Lord.
My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit rejoices
In God, my Savior.
Sleepy shepherds on that night
Watched as angels filled the winter sky—
Do not fear, they said,
We bring you Good News:
A Savior’s born
For all the world!
They were wise men from afar
Simply seeking the reason for the star—
And when they found Him,
This Holy Child,
They bowed down to Him.
They worshiped Him.
Baby Jesus didn’t stay
In that stable so far away—
He gave His life for us
Then rose from the grave.
And He lives today,
Christ lives today!
[To hear it, see link below.]
Christmas assembly
I first sing “Mary’s Song” at a special Christmas assembly in Karachi. Someone reads aloud a translation of the lyrics beforehand.
The people have gathered by special invitation. To hear the reading of a holy book. The New Testament. And discover the reason we celebrate at Christmas.
Readers stand with dignity before the audience. And begin to read Scripture portions. In Urdu, Greek, and Hebrew.
Heart language
Then, for the first time in the history of their people, someone reads from a newly-translated New Testament. In the heart language of their large unreached people group.
Audible response is immediate. As Truth rings out that cool December night.
The ooohs and ahhhs. Murmurs of the profoundly moved. Most of them unbelievers.
Many hearing the Story for the first time.
In the language that touches them most deeply.
Share the greatest Treasure
Today there are still people who cannot ponder these things in their hearts. Because they’ve never heard. Even once. The name of Jesus. Or His Story in their heart language.
And God continues calling His children to go and make disciples of all nations. All.
To share the greatest Treasure. The One they truly long for.
Jesus Christ. Savior of the world.
“But the angel said to them,
‘Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you
good news of great joy
that will be for all the people:
Today in the city of David
a Savior was born for you, who is
the Messiah, the Lord.’”
Luke 2:10-11
What about you?
What are you pondering and treasuring in your heart this Christmas season? Are you ready to share the Good News with those who need a Savior?
Related posts, Scripture references
To hear the song, go to Mary’s Song on my YouTube channel.
My soul magnifies the Lord – Expectation – How can this be? – Immanuel: God with us – Christmas Eve shamiana – Waiting, we worship – Matthew 1:20-23 – Matthew 2 – Luke 1:26-56 – Luke 2
5 replies on “The greatest Treasure”
What a marvelous God story! I had chills reading it! Thanks for sharing
Glory to God! Amazing experience. This impacted me deeply regarding the importance of hearing the Word in one’s heart language.
I listened to the song and it is beautiful.
Thank you so much
[…] and whispers – The greatest Treasure – Radiance – My soul magnifies the Lord […]