“Children are a blessing from the Lord.”
Truly. Absolutely. Our lives are enriched beyond measure by our three.
But there were days, of course. In the early years of parenting. When those blessings were standing on my last nerve.

“Children are a blessing…”
My husband and I started a practice to ease the tension. Check our words. Take a deep breath.
He would look at me. Or I would look at him. And say, “Children are a blessing from the Lord.”
In sing-song rhythm. With feeling.
We’d come late to this role of parenting. And had a lot to learn.
They taught us well.
Help, Lord!
Recently, going through old journals, I found words trailing down one page. A “Help, Lord!” prayer from yours truly, momma of three.
At the time, our beloved offspring were in high school, middle school, and elementary school.
You get the picture.
A parent’s cry
we’re on.
Help us,
Help us.
24 May 2007, Bandung
For you
So. Just putting it out there.
For all the parents and extended family members and friends who are entrusted with raising and caring for children so precious to Him.
Take heart.
Abide daily in Him through prayer and the Word. And do the rewarding but hard work. In love, with discipline.
He sees you. He knows what you need. He answers those cries for help.
And on the days when everything seems upside down, remember. Children are a blessing from the Lord!
What about you?
How has the Lord strengthened you as you invest your life in the next generation? Have you ever found yourself at your wit’s end as a parent? How did the Lord meet you there?
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8 replies on “A parent’s cry”
I second every word, Susan. Well done.
Thank you, Bettie. Thinking of you these days…
Thank you 🙂 I plan to follow your example for easing the tension. I’m learning lots in this journey about myself and about the Lord.
🙂 Thinking of you, friend. He is faithful and His grace is sufficient.
Though not a parent, family relationships are all of the things you listed. And can I say that I remember being in your house in Bandung during that time – there was JOY and LOVE in abundance!
Thanks for being one of their “aunts” in the family of God. Extended “family” has made such a difference in their lives and ours. Thanks be to God!
Thanks Susan, for these encouraging words. As one in the trenches of mothering little ones, your words are a real blessing to my heart!
I’m so grateful , sister. He is faithful to lead us in each season of parenting, giving us strength when we are weak, helping us keep a sense of humor😊 along the way. Grace to you.