Simple earthen vessels. There they are.
Wading through laws in Leviticus, I see them. In the details. Amid ritual regulations for priests, Levites, and the people of God.

In these particular earthen pots, they boil the sin offering. That only priests may eat.
Their use is short-lived in the days of the Old Covenant. Bronze bowls can be scrubbed clean. Earthenware can’t.
The sin offering permeates the clay bowl. Saturates the ordinary pot. And no amount of scouring is sufficient.
So they break it. Discard the pieces.
“A clay pot in which the sin offering is boiled is to be broken; if it is boiled in a bronze vessel, it is to be scoured and rinsed with water.”
Leviticus 6:28
Earthen vessels
Earthen vessels. Here we are. Sin soaks into the very dust of our being.
Nothing we do can make us clean.
But then the Lamb of God comes. And He becomes the final sin offering. His blood shed on the altar of a wooden cross.
Once for all.
For all who will receive His free gift. Eternal life.
And the resurrected Savior takes these earthen vessels, ready for the discard pile. Redeems the irredeemable. Makes possible the impossible.
We are rescued and sealed. Marked by His Spirit.
Still earthen. Still clay. But transformed. Miraculously cleansed to hold luminous treasure.
The light of Christ.
These vessels, once sin-soaked and hopeless, become open displays of the truth. Declaring good news of the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes….”
Romans 1:16-17
Today we live and move in a virus-laden world. Breathe an atmosphere laced with unspeakable pain and hate. And despair.
But in the chaos, His earthen vessels remain. Abiding in Christ. Through prayer and the Word. Through fellowship with His Body.
Ordinary, common people. Simply made to declare His glory. Walking by faith and proclaiming hope. Hope not based on economy or equality. Not dependent on personal rights or political wins.
Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 CSB
Redeemed! How I love to proclaim it.
What about you?
Is the truth on display in your earthen vessel today? How have you seen His strength revealed through your weakness? May your earthen vessel overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit today.
Related posts
The mystery of the gospel – Faithful witness – Clay jar and the potter – Confession of our hope – Living hope – Clean – Wounded – Redeemed – Embers
11 replies on “Earthen vessels”
Susan!! I am so thankful for the words He gives you! They challenge me to keep Abiding as He anchors! So grateful!
“Keep abiding as He anchors…”–so powerful and true! Thanks, sister.
Broken pottery infused with death – what a vivid image! He makes clean what cannot be washed. And I am so grateful.
So grateful too. What a Savior! Thanks for sharing, sis.
Such needed edification!! bless you Susan for sharing your wisdom and love!
Thank you for reading and responding. Great is His faithfulness!
Encouraged. Reminded, Blessed by your post. Thank you!
Thankful! The Lord is good!
From way over the seas in NZ, I loved this “ Still earthen. Still clay. But transformed. Miraculously cleansed to hold luminous treasure.” I have read Leviticus….but never thought much about the clay pots used in the offerings. Thank you, Susan, for opening my eyes to this. And all praise to God for His transforming power . May this “clay pot”, cleansed and forgiven by the blood of the Lamb, reflect His love to those around me.
Yes, all praise to God! He is so good, isn’t He? Revealing His treasure to us and through us. Grace to you, sister.
[…] Earthen vessels – God with us – Earthen vessel – Emptied – Promise – Clay jar and the Potter – […]