Legacy, unintentional.
From the least likely.
A poor widow
in the shadows
of wealthy patrons.
Slipping in
crowds and
considerable contributions
at the temple coffers.

She holds two small coins.
Copper coins
in the palm of her hand.
The sum total?
One cent.
The least of these
the least.
She opens her hand
and gives.
Placing little
with the much.
The Master
singles her out.
Reveals greatness
in the robe of poverty.
The poor widow
in a moment of surrender,
full surrender,
becomes the example.
Her story
written and printed
through centuries.
Spoken of
in great halls
and simple homes.
Giving all to Him.
“Summoning His disciples, He said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. For they all gave out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had —all she had to live on.’”
Mark 12:43-44
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2 replies on “Legacy”
Standing in a church in Athens, I was startled by the sound of metal. I turned to see the donation box by the door. Most of my life I have dealt with paper currency and it doesn’t make noise when dropped into a collection plate or donation box. In that moment, this story came to mind!
Great expression regarding a legacy created exactly as we are called to create them.