Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Equip in the spiritual battle

The house was bright and airy. The back door opened to a lovely garden.

The garden at our house in Indonesia.

A year after we moved our family to Indonesia, we were looking for a house to rent. This one seemed just right. We moved in. And slowly put things in order.

Then Jenna came to me one evening. Afraid. She was 10 years old.

“Every time I go into a dark room at this house, I see the outline of a man. He has two red eyes. I’m scared to go in the dark rooms.”

This was not the first time she had mentioned the red eyes. And it wouldn’t be the last.

Devotional Making Disciples

What are we to do?

In the long dark, we cannot see. Fog obscures the way ahead in a difficult situation. It’s complicated. A strange labyrinth of deceit. What are we to do?

We’ve prayed. For years. Crying out to the Lord our God. Pleading for the deceived to be set free. The broken healed.

Fog by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Solutions offered but resisted. Denied. Every avenue tried, fruitless. 

What are we to do?