Devotional Making Disciples

Living hope

In season and out, His servants speak. Of living hope.

And hope breathes. The bright air of the Kingdom making its way in. Countering air heavy with lies of the enemy. 

The spoken gospel speaks. Moves. Reveals the power of God to make alive what is dead. 

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” (1 Peter 1:3).

Living hope. Photo by Harley Upton, Unsplash photos.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


“Is your arm hurting?” she asks. Yes. The broken bone near my shoulder is healing. Slowly. 

It’s 2015 and Manga is prepping me for physical therapy at a hospital in Malaysia. “Be happy!” she says. “Think positive thoughts. Then you will not be hurting.”

I smile. She’s friendly. Gregarious. Her speech and ways and dress make me feel at home. 

South Asian home. 

The kind and compassionate team in the PT department.

Shouts and whispers

Lord God, Holy One.
We open Your Word,
and hear
the shouts and whispers
of Your Presence.

The voice of the Lord.