Devotional Making Disciples

The cross

The cross. 

Reserved for the god-forsaken. 

Destination of lawless ones. Convicted of stirring up insurrection. And strategizing destruction. 

Those rehearsing murder or thievery as a way of life deserve this end. 

So they say. 

The cross. Image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Memoir

Night watch

Night watch. Our God neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121). 

And sometimes He wakes us in the night. To watch and pray. 

I remember when the two emails arrived. One after the other. To our inbox in Karachi.

Same time. Same message. Traveling across the world. From opposite sides of the United States. 

Night watch. Image by Edward Polo on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Peace. Be still.

In cross-cultural living over the years, daily conversations provide interesting entry points. For the gospel.

Asking the Spirit for wisdom, I watch and listen. Then see opportunities to share truth. Relating stories from Scripture. 

In South and Southeast Asia, I notice one particular account often comes up. Addressing fears–named and unnamed. Pointing to our Savior. 

That time Jesus said, “Peace. Be still.”

“Peace. Be still.” Image by Silas Baisch on Unsplash.