

In-your-face. Deliberate. Disobedience. 

A story old as time. And ongoing in this day and age.

Jeroboam of Nebat’s name is repeated in Scripture. Often. Echoing through the history of the kings. 

Not remembered for noble acts or extraordinary wisdom. 

But for his evil ways. 

Deliberate disobedience, 1 Kings 13:33. Image by me.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Why follow Jesus?

Why would someone risk their life to follow Jesus? Why give up all for Christ? 

Eternal life with Him. Of course. 

But so much more. 

Across the years, we move. Entering new places. Living and learning in various cultures where following Jesus may cost everything. 

And I consider a few of the many reasons for choosing Him. Why I can’t imagine life without my Lord. 

Now and forever.

Why follow Jesus? Image by Alekon Pictures on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

No ordinary life

Pages torn out of old journals rest in my hands. Stapled together. Written by my father at 28 and 29. Newly arrived on the field overseas.

Entries penned in precise style. Possibly with the Parker ink pen I can picture in my mind. Dad’s writing instrument of choice for years.

He turns 90 this month. And this window into his thoughts over 60 years ago reveal the foundation of a life wholeheartedly committed to his Lord. 

No ordinary life.

Dad and me, back in the day.