Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Pray for the persecuted

In days of distress and disgrace, a written message arrives. From the enemy. 

Dire threats. Mocking words. Blasphemy.

And Hezekiah goes to the temple. Spreading out the letter of his adversary before the Lord.

This king’s response informs my praying. For the persecuted. Those suffering greatly today. In the face of opposition to the gospel.

Pray for the persecuted. Image from imb photos.
Devotional Making Disciples


Social media fires up and spreads the latest controversy. Rumor and riot. Running viral through the internet. 

Conspiracy theories take on a life of their own. 

And the web confuses. Disorients with half-truths. Often hurtful and hateful. 

Rumor mill. Image by Stephen Petrey on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

He is enough

We walk this path. Step by step. A path marked by altars along the way. Holding significant stories of surrender. Set in certain places, at particular times.

Personal experiences. Where God settles the question lingering in the thick of things. Opens eyes to see. Moves hearts to know.

He is enough. 

One such altar on my faith journey took place mid-day. In a Karachi summer. 

Sun in the desert. Image by David Law on Unsplash.