Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Exiles in Babylon. 

God’s Word to them felt deeply personal to us. During a particularly violent and unsettling season.

People were leaving our city. Families sent back to their home countries. Anti-American sentiment had ramped up more than ever. 

Should we leave? 

At one point my dad—who never, ever tried to interfere or direct us in any way—wrote “In my daily Bible study I keep seeing the words, ‘Flee Babylon…flee Babylon.” (Jeremiah 49:30; 50:8,16; 51:6)

Exiles. Image by Shahrukh Rehman on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Crowds. Criss-crossing street intersections. Train stations. Shopping malls. 

In multiple directions.

Pressing up escalators. Hiking staircases. Moving ever forward into trains. Onto sidewalks. Through subways.

Crowds. In your face. Up close. Yet often silent. Solitary.

Eyes on their phones.

Looking down. Or away. Staring off into the distance. 

Crowds. Image by Karen Lau on Unsplash.