Devotional Making Disciples


A place called Marah. “Bitter.”

Men, women, and children trudge through wilderness. After Egypt. After walking between walls of sea. After escaping the enemy.

But now. On the other side. There’s no water anywhere.

Until they reach Marah.

And they find it so. The water, that is. 


Wilderness. Image by Brandon Hoogenboom on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Hungry for what?

It’s one of those days. Weeks. Seasons. In various places and spaces of our life. And I struggle with restlessness. Discontentment. Distraction. 

Hungry for something I can’t quite put my finger on.

In the middle of such a season, I read John 4. During morning time in His Word. And pause on the verses that come after the woman at the well heads back to her village. 

The conversation between Jesus and His disciples. 

Hungry? Photo by Kate Remmer, on Unsplash.