Devotional Making Disciples

What are you looking for?

“What are you looking for?”

The question. Directed to two disciples of John. Earlier, they hear their teacher say, “Look, the Lamb of God!” as Jesus walks by. And they take off after Him.

Now they’re trailing behind on the path.

Jesus turns. And asks.

What are you looking for? Image by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Broken record

Broken record pleading. Same old insecurity. Inadequacy. 


Doing a number on my thinking.

Fiery-dart target practice, feels like, somedays.

Age-old questions on repeat. 

Broken record. Image by Pierre Gui on Unsplash.
Christmas Devotional

Chasing memories

Chasing memories. 

In a season crowded with reminders. 

Decor. Music. Stories. Photographs. Taking us back.

We’re looking for a simpler time. Before complex issues came to our attention. And weighty matters entered the picture. 

Before we knew.

Chasing memories. Image by Frede Langlois on Unsplash.