Devotional Making Disciples


Limits. We fight restrictions. 

Don’t tie us down. Hem us in. Hold us back. 

The old lie seeps in from birth. All the way from the Garden. “Did God actually say, ‘Don’t eat this’?” (Genesis 3:1-7)

And asserting independence, we step subtly off the path. Veer inconspicuously outside the way of truth. Go our own way. 

We’re entitled to this freedom. This pleasure. 

So we think.

Limits. Image by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples


Keep your eyes on the prize. Focus. Don’t get distracted. 

“Just one thing: as citizens of heaven, live your life worthy
of the gospel of Christ.”
Philippians 1:27 

Traffic is heavy. Moving at 45 mph down a main road in the city. I glance over at the SUV in the lane next to us. 

The driver is holding his cell phone. In both hands. Texting. 


He looks up once. Touches the wheel. Maintains speed. Then passes us. Still texting.

Distracted. Photo by Alexander Popov, Unsplash photos.

How quickly we buy in to the world’s version of what we should be doing. What we need now. What our message ought to be. Our eyes wander. Even in COVID-19 lockdowns, attention is scattered. Veers off course. 

And one day we’re “multi-tasking” down the road at 45 mph.   

Along the journey in His Word, I note those who get distracted. Identify with their struggle. Learn from their failure. 

Devotional Memoir

Keep your eyes on the goal

Tennis. I took lessons once upon a time. During my elementary school years. Early morning lessons to avoid the tropical midday heat of Surabaya. 

I learned how to hold the racket. Practiced forehand and backhand. And remember this advice, “Keep your eyes on the ball.” 

Somehow watching the ball instead of the court and other players and my racket meant I had a chance of hitting it across the net.

Attempting to play tennis.