Crossing Cultures Making Disciples


“Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted….”

He will build you a strong and beautiful foundation. Sapphires. And your wall? Precious stones. (Isaiah 54:11-12)

Then, that word mothers hear. And sigh in relief.

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, 

and great shall be the peace of your children.” (Isaiah 54:13)

Hope. For the city of Zion.

City. Image from
Crossing Cultures Memoir

Safest place

We heard it repeated. Often. “Being in the center of God’s will is the safest place to be.”

Well, yes. 

But safest can be interpreted in different ways. 

We were living in a city where Taliban congregated and proliferated. 

One political party’s slogan read “Sell your televisions and buy guns.” As they sought to overthrow the ruling party by force. 

Safest was not the first word that came to mind.

Safest place.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Night sky

Night sky. Stars lost in the city’s loud light.

Raised in a large urban center, I look back on my childhood. And remember something different.

Limited electricity. Unpredictable outages. 

Frequent darkness in the evenings.  

And stars.

Night sky. Image by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash.