Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Desert city

Desert city sojourn. 

And I wade in the book of Isaiah. Meditating on the prophet’s words. For months. 

Soaking in these passages that sound familiar. Close to home.

Scripture speaks true. Pointing out rebellion.

And revealing His compassion.

Desert city. Image by
Devotional Memoir


PowerLunch day at our church in Birmingham, Alabama. 2018.

This meant it was the first Tuesday of the month. And Shades Mountain Baptist was serving a delicious lunch for $5. As usual, Pastor Danny would give a brief talk centered around biblical principles of leadership. 

Open to the community, these lunches always drew a good crowd from local businesses.  

Image by Jakub Zerdzicki on Unsplah
Devotional Memoir


Shell, found. 

Tucked in a side pocket of an old backpack. From some forgotten trip.

Somewhere I walked on a beach. Gazed at the horizon. 

Then looked down for treasure. 

And there they were. Scattered on sand.  Different shapes. Colors. Designs.

Intricate ridges. Swirls. Some perfect. Others, broken and jagged. 

Each reminding me of something more. 

Shell. Image by Javardh on Unsplash.