Devotional Making Disciples


Social media fires up and spreads the latest controversy. Rumor and riot. Running viral through the internet. 

Conspiracy theories take on a life of their own. 

And the web confuses. Disorients with half-truths. Often hurtful and hateful. 

Rumor mill. Image by Stephen Petrey on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Turn your eyes

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” 

The simplest act. To move my gaze. 

From the task. Pain. Problems. Ordinary ins and outs of every day.

It’s easy. No complicated checklist required.

And yet…

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Wilderness. When the voice of the Beloved is silent. And the Word—so full of rivers and streams—feels like desert. 

I remember thirst. And crying out. In a dark night of the soul. Longing for His instruction.

In the mornings, I waited. Asking. 

Are You there? Can You hear me?

Wilderness. Image by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash.