Called to have the same attitude as Christ.
Yet this earthen vessel still reveals trace amounts. Vestiges of pride and selfish ambition. Clutter.
And I learn my emptied is not a one-time thing.
But daily.
Called to have the same attitude as Christ.
Yet this earthen vessel still reveals trace amounts. Vestiges of pride and selfish ambition. Clutter.
And I learn my emptied is not a one-time thing.
But daily.
Alabaster jar, broken. Pure nard poured out. On the head of Jesus.
The woman, unnamed, anoints Him with exquisite perfume.
Extravagant. Expensive.
And some in the room? Indignant. Scolding over such a waste.
But the anointed One surprises.
The word of the Lord comes to Jeremiah.
Calling out kings.
“Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness,
And his upstairs rooms without justice,
Who uses his neighbor’s services without pay
And does not give him his wages….”
Jeremiah 22:13
But kings. And others.
Stubbornly. Willfully do not listen.
To God’s voice.