Crossing Cultures Devotional

Deny yourself

Early in my adolescent years, my mother remarked that if Dad said the sky was blue, I would say it was green.  This exchange stands out in my mind. Although I most likely protested (duh), inside I knew she was right. Maturity glossed over that stubbornness as I grew, yet pride still hovered close to the surface.

August 1992 in Murree

I was 29 when I married Todd and 33 when our first child was born.  Suddenly a lot of “set in my ways” was unset and upset. Then we arrived in Pakistan in 1992.  

Crossing Cultures Devotional

Tents and altars

Altars marked the path of Abraham. God said go and he obeyed. He moved his tent to the next place, built an altar and worshiped.  Altars marked his encounters with a holy God, a covenant-making God. Some marked sacrifice and absolute surrender—holding nothing back from the One who called his name.

As we moved our “tent” across the world and established home in the temporary place, I thought of Abraham and Sarah. I drew strength from their journey to a place they did not know. 

Devotional Uncategorized

Sanctuary: Psalm 73

Oppression runs rampant in our world today. Trampling the poor. Persecuting the faithful. Trafficking the helpless. Destroying innocence. It’s splashed across screens here in America and on the other side of the world.

I’ve looked into the eyes of those caught in this evil. Devastated by it. I’ve heard their stories. I know those in the thick of trying to reach and rescue and rehabilitate and restore. It’s no simple task. No quick “glory story.” It’s hard and messy.

The gospel is the only answer. This I know with all my heart.

But some days it feels like darkness is winning.