Devotional Memoir

Ocean roar

Ocean roar in winter. Loud. Waves cross. Crash. Deep blues and teals mixing. Mingling. Foaming white.

Gale-force winds whip through. Scattering sand. Tearing at the water. And me. 

Power on display.

And I am a mere whisper. Hushed.

Ocean roar. Image by Cesar Couto on Unsplash.

Did God really say…?

“Did God really say…?” The serpent’s ploy through the ages. 

Deceiver. Casting doubt on God’s Word.

Casting doubt on God.

Casting doubt.

Deceiver. Twisting His command. And intent.

Then misleading the listener. About the outcome of disobedience. 

“Did God really say…?” Image by Andreas Bodemer on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Best-laid plans

My mother’s response when things didn’t go as planned? 

I can hear it now. 

“The best-laid plans of mice and men…” her voice trails off. Not completing the quote from the poet, Robert Burns. 

But I know. And the words run through my head.

“…often go awry.”

Best-laid plans go awry. Image by Robert Linder on Unsplash.