Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Desert city

Desert city sojourn. 

And I wade in the book of Isaiah. Meditating on the prophet’s words. For months. 

Soaking in these passages that sound familiar. Close to home.

Scripture speaks true. Pointing out rebellion.

And revealing His compassion.

Desert city. Image by


Watch in His Word. 

Observe how God moves into wasted places. Parched land in wilderness heat. 

Crumbling city structures. Broken walls. Ruined streets. Scattered stones.

People wrecked by sin. 

For all like sheep have gone astray. Rebelled. Turned from Him to follow our own way.

Trusting false gods. Worthless words. Empty promises.

Making our own fires instead of drawing near to Him.


Then, listen.

In driest, desolate times, God speaks. Calling for repentance.

And He moves. 

Redeeming the ruins. Bringing beauty. Gardens. 

Streams flowing in the desert.

And the Shepherd tends His sheep.

Desert city

In those desert city days, I feel the dark press in. Hard walls of resistance to the gospel. 

Daily watching routine religion. Empty rituals satisfying so briefly. 

Never enough.

And I turn over and over again to His Word in Isaiah. Thirsty for understanding. Hungry for direction. Seeking hope.

It’s all there. 

Exile and redemption. Scarcity and abundance. Brier and myrtle. 

Darkness and “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines over you.” (Isaiah 60:1)

God’s Word

In all of it, I am strengthened. Known. Purposefully drawn into His overarching, ever-working plan.

God’s Word meets us with the big picture and the smallest detail. Speaking His way and illuminating His Truth. Pointing us ever to the One and Only, Jesus Christ.

For “by His wounds, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights,
    and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water,
    and the parched ground into springs.”
Isaiah 41:18

Wade. Watch. Listen. 

What about you?

Has God ever drawn you to stay in one particular book of the Bible for a lengthy period of time? How did that impact your life at the time? How does it influence you today?

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Isaiah 41:18Isaiah 53:5Isaiah 53:6Isaiah 60:1 – Book of Isaiah

3 replies on “Desert city”

Our fellowship has spent months in Luke and I kinda thought I already knew Luke – it is my favorite Gospel. But over and over, I saw things that went deeply into my heart and drew me closer to the Son of Man. When will I learn to approach His Word with expectation & excitement EVERY TIME? I’m so glad He is patient with me!

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