Winter grey. And snow remains. On the edges. In corners.
Hidden from the sun. By shelter and shadow.
Held captive by cold. Temperatures never rising quite far enough.
Winter’s fringes remain visible today. From where I sit. Looking through glass.

Surrounded by warmth, I gaze out. Spectator of cold. Catching glimpses from a distance.
And remembering other edges and corners of winter. Fringes and large swathes where the truth has not entered. Lostness.
Yawning shadows stand guard in this winter. Darkening hearts and minds. Trying to keep out the warmth and light of the gospel.
Crossing cultures
My feet have walked in some of those places. Our family sent. Crossing cultures. Learning language. Doing life in those streets.
Up close and personal. Loving ones still bound by empty night and winter’s cold. Our hearts often overwhelmed by sheer numbers..
Today I’m at a distance. Looking out at what remains.
I remember faces. Cities. Nations.
And begin praying for them by name.
Light of the world
As my hands open and words flow, I look up. Startled. By light.
A brief, bright ray of sun shines through one small open space in the clouds.
Glory to the Shepherd who seeks and saves the lost. Sending His people to make disciples of all nations.
Praise to the Savior who lifts winter’s hold on shadowed hearts. Sure and true. Shining in the night.
“I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
What about you?
Have you felt overwhelmed by lostness around you? How has the Lord encouraged and strengthened your heart to keep sharing His light?
4 replies on “Winter”
Yesterday our SS lesson was about light and I wish I had known the phrase “spectator of cold” because where I live we are warm and lit. We need to look for the shadows and fringes. I pray we desire to shine!
Amen. Thank you!
I think what encourages me most is seeing people in different cultures worshipping and serving Him. It reminds me that nothing is impossible. Reminds me of Rev.
Amen! Praise God.