Devotional Making Disciples

Jesus knows roots

Jesus knows roots.

Fig tree. On the road to Jerusalem. Cursed by Jesus for its fruitlessness. “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”

Not even fig-bearing season, the disciples note. But they’re listening.

And we are too. Wondering. Pondering.

Fig tree. Image by Ben Kerckx on Pixabay.

Is it not written?

They enter Jerusalem. The temple area. And Jesus cleans house.

Driving out sellers. Buyers.

Overturning tables and stools.

“Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all  nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of thieves’” (Mark 11:17).

And the chief priests and scribes are ready to kill Him.

Jesus knows roots.

Jesus knows roots

Interesting thing about the cursed fig tree? They see it again. On a walk back to Jerusalem one morning. And it’s withered.

“From the roots up” (Mark 11:20).

Peter points it out.

And Jesus calls them to have faith. Pray, believing. Forgive.

He knows what His followers need.

Jesus knows roots.

Heart of the matter

Jesus sees rooted decay in a tree which appears healthy.

And He sees rooted hypocrisy in religious leaders who appear spiritually mature. Yet aren’t bearing godly fruit.

“Blind guides…” (Matthew 23:16,24). “Blind fools…” (Matthew 23:17). “Like whitewashed tombs…” (Matthew 23:27).

Jesus sees past words and outward show.

To the heart of the matter.

Roots transformed

Then and now, Jesus calls us to be firmly planted. In Him.

Roots no longer withered or decaying. But nourished. Transformed by living water.

His Spirit teaches us His ways. As we abide in the Vine through prayer and the Word.

Living in obedience as part of His Body. Bearing fruit that’s His. For the glory of God.

Rejoice. Jesus knows roots.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7

What about you?

What have you learned about roots? What helps you abide in the Vine?

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2 replies on “Jesus knows roots”

Living in a tropical environment, some plants don’t need deep roots – I wonder if sometimes we behave the same way? When things are easy – soft rain falls and sun shines – our shallow roots are sufficient. Challenged!!!

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