Devotional Free verse


Compassionate One

who sees and knows

the deeper side

of all that marches

through this life.

Sudden change.


Unexpected turns.

You know, Lord.

There are days

we get caught up 

in dread 

and fear.

When we forget

to keep our eyes

on You.

Rocky roads 

jostle and jar. 

Steep paths



We try to catch our 


But even here,

we will trust.

Even here,

we will seek first

Your Kingdom.

Even here,

come what may,

Your story will continue, 

Your purpose be fulfilled.

Help us 

not to



4 replies on “Compassionate”

This week I’d experienced an ‘unexpected” turn that renders me incapacitated for several weeks. Life will be more complicated as I’ll not be able drive or do some of the chores of life usually common place. Being single with no family, there are few ready ‘fill the gap’ helpers immediately known. This article was a perfect tonic for me…the God who sees, knows my needs and will supply. Thank you for sharing. I’ll keep this as a daily reminder.

My prayers these weeks are for eyes seeking Him in every moment. Thanks for the encouragement!

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