
Simply glorious

Simply glorious.

After labor and delivery. After the pain and hard work of giving birth.

Star light. Gentle night. Pure joy.

Simply glorious. Image by Liv Bruce on Unsplash.

And the young mother reaches for her newborn. Examines his fingers and toes. Wraps him tightly in cloth.

She looks into the infant eyes of Immanuel. God with us.

Firstborn. So small. Helpless. 

Yet the very image of the invisible God.  

That night in Bethlehem, Mary holds in her arms the One by whom all things hold together. 

Word made flesh. To dwell among us.

Simply glorious. 


And the angels sing.


Luke 2Colossians 1:15-20John 1:1-18

2 replies on “Simply glorious”

I have thought a lot about the overwhelming emotions Mary experienced. From the moment Gabriel came to her to Jesus being crucified to His resurrection, she lived it all with Him. Pausing today to consider the beginning!

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