Deathly pale in light of the vision. No strength.
Alone and overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion, Daniel drops. Face to the ground.
Powerless. Speechless. Unable to breathe.
And the Lord responds to His servant. With tenderness and strength.

Treasured by God
“Daniel, you are a man treasured by God” (Daniel 10:11,19). Assurance he’s heard before. But it bears repeating in the moment.
Another word is spoken twice in his time of need: “Don’t be afraid” (Daniel 10:12,19).
And as Daniel trembles, shaking with weakness, this curious directive: “Stand on your feet…” (Daniel 10:11).
Sometimes. In the weight of the vision.
End times playing out before our very eyes.
We drop.
Hardly able to lift our heads.
We can only sit at Your feet. Speechless.
And then Your Word comes. At just the right moment. From a daily portion of Scripture.
Tenderly assuring.
Yet unadulterated truth.
Comforting the weary soul.
Yet compelling us to press on. Stand firm, when all we can do is stand.
Songs from the speechless
“Don’t be afraid, you who are treasured by God. Peace to you; be very strong!” (Daniel 10:19)
Outwardly we are wasting away. But inwardly You renew us. Day by day by day.
Your Spirit bearing fruit that remains.
And praise flows from the powerless.
Songs from the speechless.
Radiant Treasure revealed in the narrow confines of an earthen vessel.
What about you?
Have you been overwhelmed by His calling? The task before you? How has the Lord sustained and encouraged in your time of need?
Related posts and passages
Hope during a tsunami – Coming through the night – Wordless – Still – Wilderness – Wait for it – To the ends of the earth – Refuge – Master artist – Earthen vessel – daily abiding – Riptide – Daniel 10:7-19 – Daniel 9:23 – Ephesians 6:13 – 2 Corinthians 4 –
4 replies on “Speechless”
Still overwhelmed. Still watching for His provision. I know He will be faithful.
Yes, He will. Even in the midst of “overwhelmed,” you continue to encourage and pray for others, sister. Thank you.
Susan, I have shared some of your recent studies on prayer from Missions Mosiac with the WMU ladies of my church. I definitely want to share these inspiring and uplifting words from you and the book of Daniel with them. Thank you for sharing your God given gift with so many. You lift us up and bring us to our knees. God bless. Agnes Loyall (former IMB staff)
Thank you so much, Agnes! It’s great to hear from you😊