Travel plans so carefully made. Flights scheduled and booked.
Anticipating long-delayed reunions. After many covid19 restrictions. Requirements. Roadblocks.
Then, sudden uncertainty. Again.
Everything is up in the air.
Like the autumn leaves outside my window. Scattering in the wind. Landing who knows where.

Uncertainty breeds anxiety. Sadness. Exhaustion.
Figuring out next steps takes a toll.
Psalm 143 “happens” to be my reading that morning. the psalmist is discouraged. Feeling weak.
He cries out for help. Pleads for a quick answer. And practices some helpful responses to the situation.
He remembers days of old. Meditates on all the Lord has done.
“I ponder the work of Your hands.
I stretch out my hands to You;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.”
Psalm 143:5-6 ESV
As I read on, his words become my prayer. For family and friends.
And for others who must trust in the midst of scattered schedules. Unexpected pivots. Faltering hope.
let them experience your faithful love in the morning,
for they trust in You.
Reveal to them the way they should go;
for to You they lift up their souls.
Rescue them, Lord, from their enemies—
those enemies of doubt, despair, and discouragement—
for they take refuge in You.
In their particular situation, teach them to do Your will,
for You are their God.
And You know the way.
May Your gracious Spirit lead them on level ground.
In the name of our strong Savior, Jesus Christ.
(From Psalm 143:8-10)
What about you?
Have your plans been interrupted and scattered? Has uncertainty led to anxiety? How has the Lord encouraged and sustained you?
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7 replies on “Uncertainty”
Thank you for the reminders of so many of my own days of uncertainty which also came with his faithfulness and presence. Love the prayer for those who face these days today. Yes, may his gracious Spirit lead them on level ground but also give them hinds feet for the high places too. No matter the path they trod, may it be by his grace and peace.
Amen, sister. Thanks for sharing the”hind’s feet for high places.” He knows every terrain 🙌🏼
Yes, he does!
My reading today was Psalm 127 – unless the Lord builds… too often I labour in vain because I make my own choice.
But other times, I wait and ask for wisdom and expect no trouble. And this broken world does what it does.
So I pray that God will be with us and give us His hope for those time when the brokenness is too hard for our frail human hearts.
So true…”And this broken world does what it does.” Thankful for His hope!
Susan, thank you. A lot of uncertainty coming my way in the days ahead. Good and exciting uncertainty, but stressful nonetheless. Thank you for beautifully reminding me to remember my Father’s sovereignty and faithfulness in the past.
Yes. Thanks for the reminder that uncertainty can also be part of the “good and exciting.” Praying for you, sister. Great is His faithfulness.