In days of distress and disgrace, a written message arrives. From the enemy.
Dire threats. Mocking words. Blasphemy.
And Hezekiah goes to the temple. Spreading out the letter of his adversary before the Lord.
This king’s response informs my praying. For the persecuted. Those suffering greatly today. In the face of opposition to the gospel.

Hezekiah’s response
King Hezekiah humbles himself. Before the Lord, his God. Affirming who He is.
“Lord of Armies, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, You are God—You alone—of all the kingdoms of the earth. You made the heavens and the earth” (Isaiah 37:16).
He points to the mockery of the enemy. States their past destruction. The devastating power they’ve unleashed against other countries and lands and gods.
Then the king pleads for the Lord’s rescue. That all might know. He alone is God.
Spiritual battle
Another report crosses my screen. One story out of many. From a country where we once served.
In the spiritual battle that rages in this world, persecution against His followers multiplies. Attempts to scare people into not believing and receiving the gospel become more prevalent.
Fear is an insidious tool from the enemy of souls.
Threats and executions of said threats come from many directions. Governments. Religious leaders. Their own families and friends.
In some places, before a new believer hardly begins living his new life in Christ, he’s killed.
Overwhelming. Hard to comprehend.
Pray for the persecuted
Today’s reports disturb me. Weigh heavy on my heart.
Like Hezekiah, I spread out my requests before the Lord.
Acknowledging He is the One and Only. Sovereign Lord. Tender Shepherd. Coming King.
Then I point to the devastating blows from the enemy of souls. In a place where decimation seems to be the plan.
I pray as Hezekiah did, “Now Lord our God, save them from the enemy’s power so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You, Lord, are God—You alone” (Isaiah 37:20).
And ask. “Lord, stand with the believers and strengthen them. Deliver them from the lion’s mouth that they may declare Your praise among those who live hopeless and helpless without the gospel” (cf 2 Timothy 4:17).
After years of watching and praying, I know. The answers don’t always fit my idea of deliverance and provision.
Sometimes the persecuted are sheltered and escape. Other times there’s only loss and lament.
Sometimes the Sauls become Pauls. Other times they grow in determination to destroy.
Sometimes, in the aftermath, many come out of darkness into His marvelous light. Other times? The light appears extinguished. Gone. Silent.
Walk by faith
In the midst of this broken world. In the face of an enemy bent on soul destruction. In the dark that feels darker still.
This I declare.
He is Lord.
And we walk by faith in the Sovereign One who never leaves or forsakes His children.
To Him be the glory
His presence goes with these brothers and sisters. And us. In the fiery trials and to the end.
Words Paul wrote to Timothy comfort and remind us of our hope. “The Lord will rescue me from every evil work and will bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever! Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18).
Come, Lord Jesus.
What about you?
How have you prayed for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world? Which Scriptures have encouraged you in the midst of such persecution?
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8 replies on “Pray for the persecuted”
Thank you for this difficult but powerful reminder of how to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Thank you for praying, sister.
I don’t pray often enough for those who are persecuted for their faith. Thank you!
Same here. I need reminders too!
We are all so often consumed with our own self centered focus we give little thought to those suffering and losing their lives for their faith. God help us to remember to lift them to the Father.
So true, friend. Lord, help us!
Hebrews 13:3 tells us to remember those who suffer for their faith in Christ. When we remember that they are part of the body of Christ, just as a toe or arm is a part of our physical bodies, we are more apt to be concerned and pray. Thank you for remembering these that are dear to our Father’s heart.
Thank you for all that you do to facilitate help for our suffering brothers and sisters! Grace to you, friend.