Jars filled with water. Outwardly common. Inwardly plain.
Others know what we’re made of. See the flaws. Rough edges. They remember the ordinary ways we walk and talk.
But we surrender. To the One who receives this offering.
Such as it is.

Jars filled with water. Then yielded to the Master. For His use. His plan.
And transformation surprises. The wine of new life, startles.
It’s not something explained by human ability. Such as it is.
Be filled
These simple jars for daily use need daily filling. And we do too. “Be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18)
You are the One inwardly renewing us. As outwardly we waste away.
Your life ever flowing. Overflowing.
Without You, we can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)
Such as it is
And Your springs keep refilling the surrendered. Revealing the clutter of pride, the hindrance of sin.
Teaching us to “be holy” for life and hope. Abundant joy.
So let this jar—such as it is—be filled.
By and for the Master.
What about you?
Are you surrendering to the Master day by day? For His use and His glory?
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2 replies on “Such as it is”
Simple jars for daily use need daily filling!
Something I know intellectually and yet I try to move on yesterday’s filling at times.
Fill my cup, Lord! I lift it up, Lord!
Come and drench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of heaven, feed me til I want no more.
Here’s my cup. Fill it up and make me whole!
You’re taking me back with the lyrics of this meaningful song. Thanks for sharing, sister.