Isaiah. Prophet and poet. Master of prose. Skillfully taking us to ruin and glory.
“The city of chaos is shattered;
Every house is closed to entry.
In the streets they cry for wine.
All joy grows dark;
Earth’s rejoicing goes into exile.
Only desolation remains in the city;
its gate has collapsed in ruins.”
Isaiah 24:10-12
Well-placed words. And we see the broken place. Grieve the curse that consumes the earth and its inhabitants. “…for they have transgressed teachings, overstepped decrees, and broken the permanent covenant” (24:5).

From the ends of the earth
Moving through the mourning, we encounter a visual. The harvested olive tree. Grape vine. Stark and fruitless. Nothing left. (24:13)
And yet. In the midst of devastation. We hear voices. Singing. From the west and the east. From the ends of the earth.
Songs of proclamation. Declaring the majesty of the Lord. The Splendor of the Righteous One. (24:14-16)
We stop. And catch our breath. Remember who He is.
Ruin and glory
Isaiah isn’t finished with the curse. He revisits the brutal reality of earth’s rebellion. The horror of what’s to come.
But then. Glory.
And his next words flow. In personal worship. Full of hope.
“Lord, you are my God.
I will exalt You,
I will praise Your name
For You have accomplished wonders,
plans formed long ago,
with perfect faithfulness.”
Isaiah 25:1
A feast
The prophet testifies.
Revealing how our stronghold and refuge subdues the storm of the barbaric. Silences the song of the violent. Protects the one in distress. (25:4-5)
The prophet announces.
God is preparing a feast for all peoples. All nations. And someday we will gather at His table. Rejoicing that death is destroyed. Disgrace removed. Forever.
“On that day it will be said,
‘Look, this is our God;
we have waited for Him and He has saved us.’”
Isaiah 25:9
The Commission
In the richly crafted phrases of a prophet, I grieve the curse. And sing the joy of His salvation. Anticipating glory. The feast around His table.
And all along, the commission given by the Son of God rings clear. Steady. Singing with power through the ruin and chaos in this present world.
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember,
I am with you always,
to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Glory to God.
What about you?
Which passages of Scripture point you to the ruin of the curse and the glory of salvation?
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Note: I’m publishing some videos of my writing/songs on YouTube occasionally. The latest: Alleluia, written in 1979. Recorded in 1999.
4 replies on “Ruin and glory”
Yes!!!! I want to shout! Glory power honor praise for Him and His perfect plan! You bring me RIGHT THERE to praise. Thanks Suz!
Praise Him😊. Thanks, sister!
All authority…not some, not most….ALL authority! That’s awesome and comforting because He cares for me! Proven by His redemption complete before I was born.
Amen. Resting in His supreme authority. Thanks, sister.