The urban forum. A gathering of the nations. We explore cities together. Examining them from various angles and worldviews.
One particular presentation leads us to unmapped neighborhoods. Unnamed places. In the depths of an urban slum.
Pushing out from the edge of a global city.
Streets and paths. Crossroads. Unmarked. Yet densely populated. With living, breathing communities.

Worn paths
We see the pictures. We’ve walked city lanes like these. Full to overflowing.
Masses of people. Moving. Making their way to streetside markets. One-room clinics. Places of worship. That spring up over time by necessity.
With no address.
The paths are worn. Traveled. Known by those who settle in on the edges. Word of mouth instructs their routes in and through. Here and there.
Unmapped, unnamed
The basic makeshift shelters multiply. Increase in density. And become more permanent. Established over time.
The unmapped. Housing unnamed families. Extended. Stretched. Mostly surviving on a bare minimum. Making do with little.
They work unnoticed jobs. Infrequent, ever changing. In the ever expanding city.
A place on the map
One day in this particular slum, someone puts a device in the hands of local residents. To map the growing community. To name it.
And a young man takes ownership. Marks the places of their lives. Follows routes to food and medical help and spiritual spaces.
He is naming the unnamed. Giving them a place on the map. And this act is a step taken with uncertainty. In the midst of the labyrinth. At times he feels exposed.
Who will have this information, he asks? Are they trustworthy?
The One who knows
This city story simmers in my thoughts. The rest of the week. And I reflect on the big picture.
In the sprawling, vast spread of the world. Its cities never ending. There are many who remain unnamed. Unmapped territories in need of the life-giving, transforming Way. The gospel.
And in the great unknown, His people are dependent. On the One who knows each lane. Each crossroad. Each honeycomb of rooms or huts. Each high-rise.
Each face.
The One who sends
The One and Only sends His servants out to the places we do not know. And we enter neighborhoods. Sharing the gospel.
Telling of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. And the victory of His resurrection from the dead. The eternal life and peace that He offers for all who will believe.
We encounter uncertainty. Resistance. About taking that step of faith from darkness into light.
For the Light reveals. Exposes.
Who will have my information? Are they trustworthy?
He is worthy
Yes. He is.
The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace. The Wonderful Counselor. The Almighty God.
He is trustworthy.
Ever seeking. Revealing. Redeeming. Naming. Loving. Leading.
He is worthy. You can trust Him.
Lost and found
Someday we will sing together before the Throne. An untold number from every nation, tribe, people, and language. Worshiping the Lord God Almighty.
For once we were lost.
Scattered. Unmapped. Unnamed. In city streets. Upscale and slums. Towns and villages. On remote mountains and in deep ravines. Jungles and deserts. Islands.
But now we are found.
Saved. Gathered. Named. Known. Loved. Surrendered to our King.
We worship. Glory to God in the Highest.
What about you?
Are you living in the unmapped areas? A global city? What are you praying for your city?
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6 replies on “Unmapped”
Susan, this a graphic and powerful map of the unmapped in our world. Thank God we are individually, each of us, known and loved by Him.
Yes! Thank God!
Love this thought, Susan! We may be unmapped in the eyes of the world, but we are never unmapped by God! He searches us out in the darkest of places — finds us and brings light and life! He give us an address that’s eternal and being prepared for us by a loving Carpenter Savior.
Amen. Beautifully said, sister!
Saved. Gathered. Named. Known. Loved.
Some powerful words backed by a Powerful God!
Even glimpses overwhelm me sometimes!
Me too, friend. O praise the name of the Lord our God.