Advent. We light candles in the pauses of the season. Waiting.
At times we’re carried along by the crowd in motion around us. Rushing between this and that. We don’t want to be caught up in the shopping and glitter and expectations. But it happens. Again.
So we stop. Breathe. Consider what is true.
And waiting, we worship.

Waiting on the Lord
Waiting weaves its way through Scripture. Waiting on the Lord. Looking for deliverance. For salvation. For justice. And prophecy fulfilled.
Waiting for the Messiah.
Anna is waiting. Married for seven years. Then widowed. Sorrow and loneliness flooding in, around, and through this daughter from the tribe of Asher. The tribe of the “happy; blessed; fortunate” one.
To this tribe Moses promises favor and protection and strength (Deuteronomy 33:24-25). His blessing says their feet are dipped in olive oil.
Anna’s tribe. Soaked in blessing.
Waiting, she worships
In the decades that pass, Anna doesn’t soak in her sorrow and loss. She dwells. Abides. Remains in the house of the Lord.
Serving God. Night and day. Worshiping Him with fasting and prayer.
A prophetess, waiting for her Redeemer to draw nigh.
Watching and waiting
And one day, there He is. Unexpectedly small and utterly dependent. An infant resting in the arms of Simeon at the temple.
Simeon. The righteous and devout one who’s also been watching and waiting for the Messiah. Now holding the long expected Savior. Thanking God and proclaiming His light and glory.
Anna is there beside them. At that very moment. Face to face with the One and Only Son. She responds with thanksgiving to the Lord God Almighty.
And begins telling others of His coming.
Waiting, we worship
Advent. Waiting with joyful expectation for His arrival. For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given.
Waiting, we worship the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The risen King of kings and Lord of lords.
Waiting, we watch. For He is coming again. Soon and very soon.
What about you?
How are you waiting and worshiping in this Christmas season?
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2 replies on “Waiting, we worship”
Susan!! Reading about these two last week has compelled me also! Anna “fasting and praying” and telling everyday in the Temple! Effective eternal waiting. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words!
I love that–“effective eternal waiting”! Thank you for sharing, friend.