Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


“So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the Word” (Acts 8:4).

Scattered. After Stephen’s death by stoning. After great persecution broke out against the church.

Scattered, they proclaimed. 

Spreading the gospel.

Spreading the gospel. Image by

Weariness of soul

Somedays, weariness of soul sets in–when I think about sharing the Good News.

“People are rejecting the gospel. They don’t want to hear this anyway,” fills my thoughts. Or, “you’re not articulating the plan of salvation very well,” presses in on me.

This, followed by memories of past attempts and failures. Rejections or the simply non-responsive.

Temptation looms strong. 

And I want to withdraw into a comfort zone. Just keep my mouth shut.


But these early believers didn’t hunker down in the winds of uncertainty. Or ruminate on when and how things might return to normal. 

They didn’t let fear halt their steps or shut their mouths. 

Their hope was far greater than any restrictions. Their joy in salvation outweighed any attempts to silence the truth and dismantle the church.

Scattered, they proclaim

In the midst of meditating on their boldness, I read about some believers in another country. Today.

Terrorized and chased by militants, they face uncertainty and instability. Fear.

But scattered, they proclaim.

And convicted by their faith, I ask again for boldness. To be His witness here and now.

Speak the gospel

Lord, refresh my heart and mind that I might speak the gospel with humility. And clarity. 

It’s never been about my ability anyway. Nor even their response. It’s about obedience.

Going on my way proclaiming the Word, as they did. And as my persecuted brothers and sisters do across the world today. Preaching His salvation wherever He leads. 

He is worthy of our praise and witness.

Our scattered proclamation.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

What about you?

Do you ever feel weary of sharing the gospel? How has the Lord encouraged your heart to continue proclaiming? Who has been an example to you?

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Matthew 28:18-20Acts 1:8Acts 7:54-60Acts 8:1-4

2 replies on “Scattered”

As I sit in my friend’s house and I hear chanting in the other room, I am reminded to pray and to be ready to share. I never know when another opportunity will come. Praying for clarity and boldness is good!

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