Devotional Memoir


Death is the deep shadow. 

Chasm of uninvited separation. Abrupt change. And tangible loss. 

I miss Mom’s voice. Her hugs. Her laugh. And her interest in every little detail. Her focus on what is true and good. Her enthusiasm for learning and growing. Her love for God, His Word. And her example in faithful prayer.

This week would have been her 93rd birthday on earth. 

Chasm. Image by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Anointed One

Alabaster jar, broken. Pure nard poured out. On the head of Jesus.

The woman, unnamed, anoints Him with exquisite perfume.

Extravagant. Expensive. 

And some in the room? Indignant. Scolding over such a waste.

But the anointed One surprises. 


Anointed One.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


“So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the Word” (Acts 8:4).

Scattered. After Stephen’s death by stoning. After great persecution broke out against the church.

Scattered, they proclaimed. 

Spreading the gospel.

Spreading the gospel. Image by