Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Winter grey. And snow remains. On the edges. In corners.

Hidden from the sun. By shelter and shadow.

Held captive by cold. Temperatures never rising quite far enough.

Winter’s fringes remain visible today. From where I sit. Looking through glass.

Winter. Image by Emmanuel Maceda on Unsplash.
Christmas Devotional

Chasing memories

Chasing memories. 

In a season crowded with reminders. 

Decor. Music. Stories. Photographs. Taking us back.

We’re looking for a simpler time. Before complex issues came to our attention. And weighty matters entered the picture. 

Before we knew.

Chasing memories. Image by Frede Langlois on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Broken pieces

In December, a treasured necklace from Japan falls on the floor. Breaks. 

And I get on my knees. Gathering broken pieces. Fragments. 

Trying to put the puzzle back together. But it sits.


So I place what remains in a bowl. Not ready to give up on it yet. Perhaps a shard or two skittered under a cabinet. 

Broken pieces.