Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Pray for the persecuted

In days of distress and disgrace, a written message arrives. From the enemy. 

Dire threats. Mocking words. Blasphemy.

And Hezekiah goes to the temple. Spreading out the letter of his adversary before the Lord.

This king’s response informs my praying. For the persecuted. Those suffering greatly today. In the face of opposition to the gospel.

Pray for the persecuted. Image from imb photos.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Wilderness. When the voice of the Beloved is silent. And the Word—so full of rivers and streams—feels like desert. 

I remember thirst. And crying out. In a dark night of the soul. Longing for His instruction.

In the mornings, I waited. Asking. 

Are You there? Can You hear me?

Wilderness. Image by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


Maps torn at the creases. Unfolded and refolded over the years. Attempts to plot journeys. 

Travels over land. Across the sea.

The flat paper world of continents and countries. Oceans and rivers. Cities. Mountains. Plains. Deserts.

Light-weight and world-at-a-glance. 

Foldable. Disposable. 

Unlike real-life-living in the marks on the map.

Maps. Image by Andrew Neil on Unsplash.