

The psalmist cries out to the Lord. And God hears his cry, inclining His ear toward a desperate appeal. For mercy.

In the telling of his story, the psalmist goes back and forth. 

Between relief and alarm. Death and rescue. 

The way we often do. 

In the context of crisis. 

Cry out to the Lord. Image by Priscilla du Preez, Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Heart cry

She lost her faith, she says. I read the interview and pause on the photograph.

Her eyes are sad. Haunting.

Throughout the day her heart cry crosses my mind and I pray for her. For others like her giving up on faith. Walking out on worship. 

Empty. Doubting. 

Empty. Photo by Trent Erwin. Unsplash.

Surrender and worship

Picking through pieces of my journal, I come across a scattering of words. Spiraling down the page in quick succession. Heart cry detailing the inner work of surrender. Submission.  Worship.

Two hands, opened with palms up.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash