Pray in the moment.
Thoughts. Whispers. Walking conversations with the Father.
During ordinary, daily tasks.
At home or on the road. In school or at the office.
Wherever we go.

Pray in the moment.
Thoughts. Whispers. Walking conversations with the Father.
During ordinary, daily tasks.
At home or on the road. In school or at the office.
Wherever we go.
Travel plans so carefully made. Flights scheduled and booked.
Anticipating long-delayed reunions. After many covid19 restrictions. Requirements. Roadblocks.
Then, sudden uncertainty. Again.
Everything is up in the air.
Like the autumn leaves outside my window. Scattering in the wind. Landing who knows where.
The slow but certain flood of a tsunami moves across the globe today.
I’ve watched videos from the one that marked our lives in 2004. The wave that advanced silently. Powerfully. Into Aceh. The water just kept coming. Pushing further inland. One bright, blue-skied day.
And then, as waves do, it pulled back out to sea. Leaving devastation. Empty communities. Unimaginable loss.
Today. The other tsunami. Changing the topic of our daily conversations. To quarantines and lockdowns. Limiting spread to flatten the curve. Shortages of medical supplies. Death counts.
And I remember the Scripture verses that gave hope to the inexperienced. In the December 2004 tsunami and the year that followed.