Devotional Making Disciples

As for me

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”(Joshua 24:15 NASB). It comes down to a determined choice. 

Stating commitment to the Lord God is necessary. 

Otherwise, primary loyalties may return to previous idols. Or the gods of this present world.

As for me and my house…. Image by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash.


Promises made and kept, anchor the heart. 

Steady our steps. 

Bring comfort in the dark. And courage for the day to day. 

Wholehearted commitment and follow-through reflects and reveals the faithfulness of our God. 

As we celebrate Christmas each year, my husband and I also rejoice in another anniversary. Remembering promises we made to one another. 

Promises. December 1987.
Devotional Making Disciples


Limits. We fight restrictions. 

Don’t tie us down. Hem us in. Hold us back. 

The old lie seeps in from birth. All the way from the Garden. “Did God actually say, ‘Don’t eat this’?” (Genesis 3:1-7)

And asserting independence, we step subtly off the path. Veer inconspicuously outside the way of truth. Go our own way. 

We’re entitled to this freedom. This pleasure. 

So we think.

Limits. Image by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash.