Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Hands in the dishwater. Scrubbing pot, pan, plates. 

And the way of Brother Lawrence comes to mind. “Practicing the presence of God” in the midst of the mundane. 

Speaking thanks in the ordinary helps me. To learn this way. 

Practicing thankfulness prompts me. To notice His presence in common tasks and everyday occurrences. All along the daily path.

And the possibilities are endless. Leading me to look upward and outward.

“Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving…”
Psalm 95:2 CSB

Dishes, washed. India. Image by Ricky Singh on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Pray continually

At the beginning of each year, my mother asks, “Do you have a Scripture verse for this year?”  January 2013 was no different. 

So I asked the Father to reveal a specific Scripture for that year. An overarching theme to pray and study.  And a verse to send Mom.