
The mystery of the gospel

The words stopped short of my lips. Almost there. Almost uttered into the air. But held back. I knew they were the most important words in the world. Simple. Direct truth. The gospel.  

But I hesitated. And blamed shyness. Blamed my inadequacy to express it correctly. No matter how many times I memorized Bible verses and methods of explaining the good news, it never seemed to come out right. What if my stumbling attempt to share the gospel hit someone the wrong way and turned them away from seeking Jesus? 


Unexpected altar

Isaac lay on the altar watching his father prepare to sacrifice. No sacrificial animal in sight. A strange place for a beloved child. It didn’t make sense. His father had said “The Lord will provide, my son,” but time was drawing near and here he was, bound on the altar of sacrifice.  Unexpected. Unexplained.

Devotional Memoir Uncategorized


We returned to Delhi the summer of 2012 and all I could see was the dust.  It coated every leaf on every tree. It covered all surfaces outside and inside. A thorough cleaning of our apartment yielded little evidence of the hard work. A few hours later I was wiping off another fine layer of the stuff.